Time to open the windows … at last.

It’s beautiful today. The temperature is something like 50 degrees, and all the snow that’s been covering the ground for the last month is melting. It’s not spring time yet, but you can tell it’s getting closer.  It’s certainly a good day to air out the house.

No more public calendar galleries from Google :(

So I’m trying to find lists of events relevant to my beat, and I find that just YESTERDAY Google decided to discontinue the public calendar gallery. So much for that research advantage. 2/5/2009 We’ve removed public calendar search and the public calendar gallery. For details, please see: http://www.google.com/support/calendar/bin/answer.py?answer=139970

I’m hurting for story ideas

I guess today it’s going to be back to the Land of Bridgeport. I’ve only got three story ideas so far, and that just ain’t going to fly when I need to be turning in three stories a week. I’m going to go down to to the South Side again today, and see if I … Read more

Gimme a minute…

Ok, I admit it.  I broke down. For some time now, I’ve been deluding myself into thinking that it was a good idea to host a website from a server at my house. My house, which has a dynamic IP address. My house, which is now in a different state. On a computer that was … Read more