You know it’s a good day ….
… when there’s a brand new Two Fingers video released. You know it’s even better when the video is like a way-more-awesome version of Toy Story 3. The music is pretty damn good too. Enjoy.
… when there’s a brand new Two Fingers video released. You know it’s even better when the video is like a way-more-awesome version of Toy Story 3. The music is pretty damn good too. Enjoy.
So I was browsing around, trying to find footage to convince a couple of friends to come with me to see Amon Tobin play live here in Chicago in a couple of weeks, and what should I find, but this beautiful HD version of the live show, with excellent audio to boot. Sit back for … Read more
Two Fingers = Amon Tobin and Doubleclick. Self-titled album available from Big Dada ( a Ninja Tune spin-off). Here’s their Myspace page for some free samples. You’re welcome.