No, I haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve just been letting my poor site languish without adequate attention for lo these many moons now. I’ll try to to do better in 2012.
Some recent highlights:
- I moved to a new place, still in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago. This is a Really Good Thing, since now I have enough room for real furniture, an office and workspace, and all my books and stuff. Will it lead to an uptick in creative output? Signs point to yes!
- I really, really want to tell you about Project R, a little thing I was working on last year. I’ve got a bunch of pictures, and a writeup started, but unfortunately, I can’t post it yet, since some aspects are still “sensitive”. But! It was a very cool project, and I learned a lot from it.
- Acceler8or is going swimmingly!
- Do you follow @horror_bot on Twitter? Check out the totally automated blog that the ‘bot is keeping right over here!
- Are you using Google+ to social-media-ize? Why not circle me up?
- And really, if you’re interested in keeping up with the minutia of my day-to-day existence, there’s no better source (at the moment) than my Facebook page.
Onwards and upwards!