I’m happy to announce today that I’ve released my first book. It’s called The _____ of _____ By Means of Natural _____ or the _____ of Favoured _____ In the Struggle For Life: King James Version.
I also set up a separate page for it on this site, so that I’d have a nice little landing page for it.
Basically, I wrote a PHP script that took Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species, and I had the script redact every word from Darwin which does not appear in the King James bible.
The resulting work is an amusing objet ‘d art. I think it says something about fundamentalism and language. I also hope it says something about the absurdity of creationism, and the importance of science in how we understand the world.
It’s available now as a 204-page, perfect bound trade paperback. A bargain, at a mere $13.25.
After the jump, the text of the press release I’ve been spreading around.
After more than 150 years of controversy, a new version of Darwin’s famous The Origin of Species has appeared which might, once and for all, provide a way of reconciling evolution and creationism. The _____ of _____ By Means Of Natural _____ or The _____ of Favoured _____ In the Struggle For Life: King James Version is the entire original text of Darwin’s monumental contribution to science, with every word which does not appear in the King James Bible safely redacted.
With more than 33,000 words blacked out, the text is virtually unreadable, making this new book more of an art object than a literary work, which is exactly what the editor, 34-year-old Ian Monroe, intended.
“I wanted people to reflect on the nature of language, and particularly on Fundamentalism, and the notion of ‘the Bible said it, I believe it, that settles it,’ which seems to preclude most concepts in a modern worldview,” Monroe said. “I also thought it would be pretty funny to actually see what it would look like if you could visually remove all those modern concepts. And what better way than by filtering Darwin through the sieve of the Holy Bible?”
The new book has been released as a 204 page, trade paperback, and is available for purchase online now. An electronic version is also available as a free download. Monroe chose to publish it through Lulu.com, a leading publishing-on-demand service with a catalog of more than 300,000 titles. “Since the book is based entirely on works in the public domain, I thought it was important to release it under a Creative Commons license, which was only possible by self-publishing,” Monroe said. “Thankfully, unusual works like this can exist these days, but only because of the availability of publishing-on-demand, e-books, and other non-traditional publishing channels.”
Ian Monroe: Ian Monroe is a journalist and computer expert in Chicago, Ill. His work has appeared in a variety of publications, including h+ Magazine, the American Bar Association Journal, and the Orlando Weekly. This is his first published book. His book can be found at http://www.ianmonroe.com/portfolio/writing/the-_____-of-_____/ or bit.ly/cvPLRv
Lulu.com: Lulu.com is the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.
Media contact:
Ian Monroe
Keywords: science, religion, Christianity, Bible, creationism, evolution, mash-up, Darwin, intelligent design, publishing-on-demand, public domain, copyright, creative commons, publishing
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