Ok, so I’m trying the October Horror Challenge — watching 31 horror movies in October.
The caveat being they have to be ones you haven’t seen before. So far, I’ve watched two.
Oct. 1 – Man From Deep River [AKA Sacrifice! AKA Deep River Savages] (1972).
Billing itself as the “first cannibal movie”, it’s more like “How to be a dick to everybody in Thailand”. There are actually cannibals in this movie, for like 5 minutes, but you’d barely notice if you weren’t watching for it. Many animals were in fact harmed during the making of this movie. It’s also extremely sexist, racist, and fairly offensive all around. The story is basically The Last Samurai or Dances with Wolves, but not nearly as interesting. Skip this one, and check out Umberto Lenzi’s later cannibal flick, Cannibal Ferox (1981) instead.
Oct. 2 – Sorority House Massacre II (1990).
This movie is exactly what you’d expected from the title. Late-80s straight to video sleaze horror. Its even in 4×3 format, so you can pretend you’re watching vhs. Five semi-cute sorority girls buy a haunted sorority house and fix it up. Almost every line of dialog in this flick is some kind of innuendo. The girls spend most of the movie either naked, changing clothes, or in lingerie. Not very scary, not very gory, lots of nudity. A tounge-in-cheek B-movie that doesn’t aspire to much more than that.
What should I watch this weekend?